Vol. 75, B, Part III ( July to September ) 2005


Research on nitrification inhibitors and slow-release nitrogen fertilizers in India : A review

Rajendra Prasad….149

Plant responses to changing ozone and UV-B scenario : A review

Navin K. Ambasht and R.S. Ambasht….159


Laboratory evaluation of antifertility effects of epichlorohydrin for the control of bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis

Rajinder Kaur and Anu….169

Developmental response of Drosophila melanogaster to Confidor, a nitromethylene compound

Harendra N. Sharma and Prabhu N. Saxena….177

Preference of alternate host plants by Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse and their susceptibility to plant extract

Inee Gogoi, I. Rahman and A.K. Dolui….181

ABO polymorphism and its susceptibility to malarial infection among the different ethnic groups of Sonapur (Assam)

K. Barauah, B. Shahi, T.C. Deka and A.C. Bhardwaj….187

Effect of fertilizer industrial effluent on the behaviour and morphology of fresh water catfish Heteropeneustes fossilis (Bloch)

A. Yadav, S. Neraliya and R. Singh….191


Experimental studies for the revegetation of lead-zinc mine tailings

Archana Sharma and N.C. Aery….197

Management of root-rot of capsularis jute by seed soaking and foliar feeding with non-conventional chemicals

R.K. Srivastava, Sher Singh, S.M. Pandey and B.P. Pandey….205

Biodiversity of Cyanobacteria in Loktak lake and rice fields of Manipur, India having acidic properties

O.N. Tiwari and H. Tombi Singh….209

Degradation of P’ P’ – dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane by some soil fungi

U.S. Gupta….215