Editors’ Page
Lead Articles
Chromatin and cancer : Reprogramming the chaos in the cell
Lakshminarasimhan Pavithra and Samit Chattopadhyay, F.N.A.Sc…. 71
Wildfire: Causes, impacts and control
R.D. Gaur and C.M. Sharma… 83
Science & Technology Policy Issue
Directed basic research
R. Chidambaram, F.N.A.Sc., … 91
Short Research Communications
Water diffusivity of germinating seed – Theory and experiment
M.L. Sood… 99
Electroluminescence of Sm doped ZnS luminophor
Rajneesh Kumar Srivastava and S.G. Prakash… 113
Two stage in vitro digestion assay of non-starchy polysaccharides of feed ingredients by cellulase enzyme
N. Syamala Devi and Devegowda… 117
Effect of orexigenic neuropeptide-Y (NPY) on cortisol secretion : A direct effect of NPY on adrenal gland
N. Venkat Appa Rao, Luxmi Sah, Nirdosh Tete and M. Firoz Ahmed… 121
Academy News
A report on Science Communication Activities