Vol. 29, No. 9 & 10, 2006


Editors’ Page

Lead Article/Overviews of New Developments

Biosurfactants: An overview

            B.S. Sekhon… 317

Science & Technology Development and Policy Issues

Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease – the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

            S.C. Parija, B.P. Mohanty and S. Mohanty… 333

Short Research Communications

Floristic composition, biological spectrum and plant diversity of burnt and unburnt grazing lands of Dewghat forest, Koraon range (U.P.)

            C.P. Shukla and K.N. Mishra… 345

Three species of aquatic hyphomycetes as new root endophytes of temperate forest plants

            S.C. Sati, N. Pargaien and M. Belwal… 351

Mass multiplication of mycorrhizal inoculum: Use of sorghum roots for rapid culturing of Glomus fasciculatum

            B.N. Reddy, C.R. Raghavender and A. Hindumathi… 355

Diffusion technology as a tool for characterizing, estimating germination time and enhancing germination of maize (Zea mays. L) genotypes

            M.L. Sood and Tesfahun Kebede… 361

Off-axis field amplitude variation for plane and paraboloidal zone plate : A comparative study

            Niraj Singh and Virendra Singh … 367

Morphological diversity of the medial cortex neurons in the common Indian wall lizard, Hemidactylus flaviviridis.

Ram Chandra Maurya and U.C. Srivastava, F.N.A.Sc. …. 375

Academy News

A report on Science Communication Activities                                                                             385