Vol. 29, No. 3 & 4, 2006


Editors’ Page

Science & Technology Development and Policy Issue

Diversity and economic importance of living Gymnosperms in India

R.C. Srivastava…75 

Short Research Communications

Effect of amino acids in somatic embryogenesis and regeneration from callus cultures of Cucumis melo L.

Md.Mustafa and B. Mallaiah …85

Distribution patterns and diversity of epiphytic fungi on Avicennia marina at Bhavnagar coast, Gulf of Cambay

Anjana K. Vala, S.Y. Vaidya, B.P. Dave and H.C. Dube…89

Biosurfactant production by marine bacteia

Gopalakrishnan, Anita Suresh Kumar, Kalpana Mody and Bhavanath Jha 95

Enrichment of sewage irrigated soil profiles with heavy metals in Allahabad region, U.P., India

Dinesh Mani and Chitranjan Kumar…103 

On the ratio of t and Laplace random variables

Saalees Nadaraja and Samuel Kotz…111

Products of random variables with Bessel kernel

Saalees Nadaraja and Samuel Kotz…117

High temperature superconductivity in Pd-[H(D)]x system

K.P. Sinha…125

A report on hatching of a ‘three-tailed’ earthworm (Polypheretima elongata) from India

P.S. Chaudhuri and Gautam Bhattacharjee…131

PTU-induced neonatal hypothyroidism modulates antioxidative status and population of rat testicular germ cells 

Dipak K. Sahoo, Anita Roy and G.B.N. Chainy…133

Academy News

A Report on the 75th Annual Session of the National Academy of Sciences, India


A Report on Science Communication Activities held between January – February 2006
