Editors’ Page
Lead Articles/Overviews of New Developments
Physicochemical and photochemical properties of nanoscale semiconductors-Dynamics of the charge carriers
Anil Kumar …1
Interaction of reflected shock waves in a cubical cavity
R.C. Srivastava…13
Short Research Communications
Purification to homogeneity and characterization of two antifungal proteins from the roots of Arachis hypogaea L.
S. Indira Devi, Pooja Vashista and Chandra B. Sharma…21
Antibacterial activity of seed extracts of Annona squomosa (L) against the pathogenic bacteria
S. Karthick Raja Namasivayam and R. Palaniappan…29
Characterizations of line sigraphs
Mukti Acharya and Deepa Sinha…31
An experiment for studying vacancy migration in alkali halides
Jai Prakash…35
Estimation of X-ray absorption fine structure phase shifts of copper (II) complexes
R.D. Gupta, S.K. Joshi, B.D. Shrivastava, M.C. Shah and J. Prasad…39
Evidences of microsomal degranulation in the liver of rats treated with organophosphates
S. K. Sahambi and C. K. Dhanju…45
Teratogenic effect of low doses of vitamin-A on developing rat embryos
Namita Mehrotra…49
Academy News
74th Annual Session
Science communication