Scientific Contributions of Foreign Fellows Elected in year 2019
- BADYAL, Jas Pal Singh, (1964), PhD, FRS, Professor, Chemistry Department, Durham University, Durham, England, UK, for his pioneering contributions towards functionalization of solid surfaces, deposition of functional nanolayers, and successful exploitation of these findings in electronic industry.
- BANERJEE, Utpal (1957), PhD, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA, for his outstanding contribution in the field of combinatorial signal integration mechanism at developmental enhancers, hematopoietic progenitor control during hematopoiesis and stress conditions.
- WADHWA, Renu (1961), PhD, Prime Senior Researcher & Lab Head, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology, Ibaraki, Japan, for discovering mortalin (a heat shock chaperone) and CARF (Collaborator of ARF) proteins. Besides, demonstrating the key roles of these proteins in regulation of stress, aging and carcinogenesis, she trained more than 100 young Indian students through DAILAB (DBT-AIST International laboratory for Advanced Biomedicine) that has become a role model of India-Japan S&T cooperation.