Fellowship/Membership Nomination forms

    Nomination for the Fellowship/Foreign Fellowship

    Proforma Template

    • Yes (for No, leave this)
    • (Please select one from the attached list of Subject Areas)

    • (Ack. to be sent to this E-mail ID)

    • *If it exceeds 250 words, only the first 250 words will be printed in the ‘Booklet of Nominations’

    • List of 10 best research publications.The Impact Factor of Journals and Citation Index of each of these 10 publications is also to be given.

      Note -

      • a. Please arrange the list in chronological order; while citing the research publication give author’s name first, followed by the year of publication, title of the paper, name of the journal, volume/issue and page number.
      • b. The Impact factor of Journals and Citation Index of each of these 10 publications is also to be given.

    Subject Areas for Nomination and Election to the Fellowship Agricultural Sciences

    Agricultural Sciences

    (Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forestry, Agricultural Toxicology, Soil Sciences, Plant Protection, Post Harvest Technology, Agricultural Engineering).

    Animal Sciences

    (Structural, Developmental, Functional, Genetical, Ecological, Behavioral, Taxonomical and Evolutionary Aspects).

    Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology including

    (Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural and Functional Studies, Microbiology, Immunology).

    Chemical Sciences

    (Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Theoretical Chemistry, Applied Chemistry).

    Earth Sciences

    (Atmospheric Sciences, Geo-Sciences, Oceanography, Geography – Scientific aspects).

    Engineering Sciences including Engineering Technology

    (Engineering and Engineering Science, Chemical and Material Technology, Electronics & Telecommunication, Information Technology, Instrumentation).

    Mathematical Sciences

    (Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer / Information Science).

    Medical & Forensic Sciences

    (Basic and Clinical Medical Sciences, Pharmacology, Anthropology, Psychology and Forensic Sciences, Human genetics, Reproduction Biology, Neurosciences, Molecular Medicine).

    Physical Sciences including

    (Astronomy, Astrophysics, Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Applied Physics).

    Plant Sciences

    (Structural, Developmental, Functional, Genetical, Ecological, Taxonomical and Evolutionary Aspects).

    Science & Society

    (Philosophy of Science, History of Science, Ethics, Science Policy, Science & Technology based entrepreneurship, S & T Management, Popularization of Science).