NASI-JNU Health Conclave organized at JNU, Jaipur

Theme: Dialogue between Health Science Experts towards a Roadmap for health research, prevention and control of major diseases in Rajasthan

A Health Conclave was jointly organized by the NASI HQ, its Jaipur Chapter and Jaipur National University (JNU), Jaipur by initiating a dialogue between Health Science experts towards aRoad-Map for Health Research, Prevention and Control of major diseases in Rajasthan’, on April 18, 2019 at Jaipur National Universityto mark the celebrations of the 150th Birth Anniversary of ‘Ba & Bapu’. The programme was developed by Prof. H N Verma, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, under the guidance and coordinatorship of Prof. Manju Sharma, Chairman, NASI New Initiatives; and Former Secretary to the Govt. of India. Several health experts and dignitaries of national and international repute along with more than 200 university and medical college students, actively participated in this event.

The Welcome Address was delivered by Dr. Sandeep Bakshi, the Chancellor and Prof. H N Verma, the Vice-Chancellor of the university followed by the Thematic Introduction by Prof. (Mrs.) Manju Sharma who emphasized on evolving an ecosystem of health infrastructure linked with health research and clinical trials to develop some concrete action plan for improving the health status of the people of Rajasthan. There were 10 more special addresses by eminent experts from different parts of India.

Presentations from JNU Medical College and RUHS Medical College gave a flavor of studies being undertaken at the community level on important aspects like mother and child health, technology access to improve adherence, induce life style changes, utilization of various interventions etc.

The experts focused on the following:

  • Need for cutting edge Basic Research in some identified areas like cell based therapies, genomic applications.
  • Application oriented research with focus on public health interventions.
  • Use of available technologies on large scale to be harnessed for the welfare of the people.
  • The Dialogue must culminate into an Action Plan or a Roadmap for implementation.

A committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. V M Katoch comprising two Principals of Medical Colleges, Dr. Lohiya with Prof. H N Verma as the Coordinator/ Convenor, was constituted to prepare the roadmap for a period of three years based on the inputs provided by Prof.(Mrs.) Manju Sharma

     Highlights of invited talks by the experts:

Dr. A L Khandare (Flurosis):

Mentioned about National Programme for prevention and control of fluorosis launched in 2008-09 in Rajasthan; ICMR Task Force Project in 7 centres including AIIMS, Jodhpur. Action point for NASI: To organize a brainstorming meeting on impact of current initiatives and plan small intervention projects.

Dr. Chandrima Shaha (Cell-based therapies):

Presented the status of different cell based therapies (mesenchymal stromal/ stem cell dendritic cells etc.) in various diseases. Action point for NASI: To organize a workshop along with RUHS.

Dr. G S Toteja: Talked about small network projects on complementary feeding, silicosis, fluorosis, NCDs, LBW, health systems, impact of high institutional delivery on IMR and MMR, air pollution. Action point for NASI: To organize workshops to support the development of these projects.

Dr. Jaswant Goyal: Elaborated on Artificial Intelligence as an extension of current working, tools, whatApp/ simple strategies to change the health outcomes. Action points for NASI: To organize awareness workshops to support development of such projects in different settings of Rajasthan.

Dr. J N Pande: Highlighted different risk factors for morbidity and mortality, air pollution, COPD and asthma major issues for Rajasthan. Different low cost interventions to reduce air pollution, to get safe water etc. suggested. Action points for NASI: To run brainstorming sessions for development of projects with novel interventions.

Dr. Lalit Kumar: Portrayed statistics on cancers prevalent in India with focus on Tobacco (in the form of gutka/pan-masala/cigarette/ bidi etc.), one of the major causes of cancer prevalence in the state. He cited Bikaner and other districts as the cancer prone districts due to tobacco menace (as addiction) and suggested to prevent cancer by controlling diet, improving life style, quitting of smoking, controlling infections etc. Action points for NASI: To organize debates/ dialogues for deciding a way forward to control the disease in Rajasthan.

Dr. Padma Srivastava: Elucidated on Stroke, the second biggest killer after IHD, levels of care and barriers citing the examples/cases of Himachal Pradesh. Action Points for NASI: To support/ organize brainstorming session for review of situation in India and the way forward.

Dr. Pramod Garg: Addressed on ‘Enabling Ecosystem for Research in Biomedical Sciences with special focus on GI Diseases in Rajasthan’ analyzed the causes of gastrointestinal diseases in the state with an emphasis on disease etiology. He expressed his views on ‘alcoholism’ which has now become a menace to the society.   Action points for NASI: To organize brainstorming sessions/ workshops.

Dr. Ravikant: Talked about the status and opportunities of using genetic / genomic methods to classify, prognosticate, response/ resistance, medical/ surgical interventions in different types of cancers. Action Points for NASI: To organize workshops to identify barriers and priorities for improving the patient care in Rajasthan.

Dr. Sanjeev Sinha: Tips on the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) which is the highest in Rajasthan, the different types of inhalers, medicines etc. to give relief to the chronic patients; and role of nursing staff/paramedical professionals in providing care to such patients. Action points for NASI: To support brainstorming sessions to decide strategies for action and research.

Dr. V M Katoch (Ba and Bapu Lecture): Definition of health emanated from Gandhi ji’s teachings and Bhore Committee much before Alma Ata declaration. Improving health standards and indices in Rajasthan, wide gap in research, lack of access to services, empowerment of people for life style changes in line with responsibility of individuals to remain healthy. Action points for NASI: To support/partner workshops/ seminars on these aspects.

Special Session/ Panel discussion by faculty of RUHS, Medical College & other eminent experts from state: The session presented the gist of various studies being undertaken by these institutions with focus on life style changes, mother and child health, nutritional and other supplementations, relevant technologies to improve utilization of services and interventions etc.

(Highlights: Health systems be improved for possible access to services with focus on marginalized sections of society; utilization of Ayushman Bharat and other schemes; use of tools like mobiles, artificial intelligence to improve the access and enablement of policy makers, providers and users  of healthcare services.)