SAHA, Bhaskar

2011 SAHA, Bhaskar (b. 1964) PhD,FASc, Scientist G, National Centre for Cell Science, Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411007; Tel: (020) 25708138(O), 09422319945(M); Email: ; Sp. Immunology/Signal Transduction/Parasitology/TumorImmunology/Immunometabolomics.


1999 SAGAR, Ram (b. 1952) PhD,FASc, NASI Senior Scientist, Former Director, ARIES; Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Sarjapur Road, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560034; Res. H.No. 610, 1st E Cross Road, 8th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru – 560095; Tel: (080) 22541221(O), 25711283(R), 09886443436(M); Email: ; ; Sp. Optical Astronomy/Star Clusters/AGNS/GR Bursts/Astrophysics/Microlensing.

RUDRAIAH, Nanjundapa

1978 RUDRAIAH, Nanjundapa (b. 1932) Ph.D.(Canada),F.N.A.,F.A.Sc.,F.I.M.A.(UK),F.U.W.A., Hon.Director,National Research Instt.for Applied Mathematics; and Hon. Professor, UGC-CAS in Fluid Mechanics, Department of Mathematics, Central College Campus, Bangalore – 560001; Res. 492/G, 7th Cross, 7th Block (West), Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560070; Tel: 080-22219714,22961421(O), 26764356(R), 09448389763; Fax: 26764356, 22219714; Email: ; Sp. Applied Mathematics – Fluid Mechanics.


2009 ROYCHOUDHURY, Susanta (b. 1955) PhD,FNA,FASc, Head, Department of Basic & Translational Research, Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre and Research Institute, MG Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata – 700063; Res. HB-47, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700106; Tel: (033) 23581528(R); Email: ; Sp. Human Genetics/Cancer Genomics/Cancer Cell Biology.

ROY, Syamal

2010 ROY, Syamal (b. 1954) PhD,FNA,FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, Professor & Dean, National Institute of Pharmaceutal & Education Res., 168 Manicktala Main Road, Kolkata – 700054 Res. 199, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata – 700068; Tel: (033) 24990395, 24733491(O), 24725624(R), 09874532967(M); Fax: 24735197; Email: ; ; Sp. Immunology/Parasitology.

ROY, Sukhdev

2016 ROY, Sukhdev (b. 1966) PhD,FNAE,FIETE, Professor, Department of Physics and Computer Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Agra – 282005; Res. 3/119, Prem Nagar, Dayalbagh, Agra – 282005; Tel: (0562) 2801545(O), 09997592600(M); Fax: 2801226; Email: ; ; Sp. Nanophotonics/Biophotonics/Ultrafast Optical InformationProcessing.

ROY, Subimal

1988 ROY, Subimal (b. 1933) M.D.,Ph.D.,F.N.A.M.S., Formerly Professor & Head, Deptt. of Pathology, AIIMS; Sr. Consultant, Department of Pathology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajander Nagar, New Delhi – 110060; Res. 58, Charak Sadan, Vikaspuri, New Delhi – 110018; Tel: 011-28530308(R), 09810245178(M); Email: ; Sp. Histopathology/Neuropathology.

ROY, Sib Sankar

2014 ROY, Sib Sankar (b. 1967) Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Cell Biology & Physiology Division,CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4 Raja SC Mullick Road, Kolkata – 700032; Res. Flat 3G, Block-3, Dakhineer Complex, 116, NSC Bose Road, Kolkata – 700040; Tel: (033) 24995858(O), 24812780(R), 09433414568(M); Fax: 24735197; Email: ; Sp. Cancer Biology/Insulin Resistance/Metabolic Disorders.

ROY, Shasanka Mohan

1993 ROY, Shasanka Mohan (b. 1941) PhD,FNA,FASc,FTWAS, INSA Honorary Scientist, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai – 400088; Res. 501,Vigyan,Plot 23,Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400703; Tel: (022) 27888961(R); Email: ; Sp. High Energy Physics/Foundations of Quantum Theory.

ROY, Satyajit

2018 ROY, Satyajit (b. 1963) PhD, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai – 600036; Res. Q.No. B27-2C, Delhi Avenue, IIT Madras Campus, Chennai – 600036; Tel: (044) 22574617(O), 22576617(R), 09444636946(M); Fax: 22574602; Email: ; Sp. Convective Heat and Mass Transfer.