DNA Club
A Project Sanctioned

The National Academy of Sciences, India
5, Lajpatrai Road, Allahabad – 211 002
Phone : 0532-2640224; Fax 0532-2641183
Email :
A Pious Task
In 2007 the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India launched a programme for making the students aware of the importance of our natural resources, as to conserve the fast depleting resources has now become the need of hour ; and this is not possible without the active involvement of the students and general mass. As the Academy is already involved in such activities, the D B T has given this pious task to the Academy along with other such prestigious Institutions of high scientific repute as
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, T E R I,Gujarat Council of Science City, A T R E E, Bharati Vidyapeeth and a few others.
The main objective of this programme was to establish D B T’s Natural Resources Awareness Club ( D N A Club) in the schools and colleges to create awareness about the natural resources among the students in order to equip them with relevant skills for bioresource conservation. The details of the responsibilities of the school/college (D N A Club) is given below.
For every school the total number of days for DNA Club activities would be of maximum of 25 days in an academic year as per the following details
The activities for the students of class 6-8th would be –
(a) Invited Lectures –
- For total 5 days in an Academic year (two lectures/demonstrations per day).
- On the topics/areas like-different types of Ecosystems and Conservation Measures; Wild life and Endangered species; Medicinal Plants; Totem and Taboos with their ethical significance; Flora & Fauna and its importance etc.
(b) Discussion Forum –
- For total 3 days in an Academic year
- For a group of 20-30 students
- On the topics covered in lectures/ demonstrations held as above.
(c) Exposure Visits –
- For total 5 days in an Academic year
- For a group of 20-30 students.
- Visit to National Parks/Zoo/reserved forest areas/botanical gardens/national heritage along with the subject experts.
- Emphasis will also be on Nature-Man-Ethnic complex.
(d) Project Works –
- For total 5 days in an Academic Year.
- To make them familiar with the laboratory tools, lab to land programmes and to develop know how of the basic principles of conservation of natural resources.
(e) Contests –
- For total 3 days in an Academic year.
- Painting and Quiz contests on environment/natural resources/conservation issues.
(f) Workshops –
- Total Two workshops in a year.
- Each workshop will be for 2 days only.
- For developing skills of herbarium preparation, working and non-working models on issues related to biodiversity and conservation.
The activities for the students of class 9-11th would be –
(a) Invited Lectures –
- For total 5 days in an Academic year (two lectures/demonstrations per day).
- On the topics/areas like-application of remote sensing; r-DNA technology, IPR issues, Molecular markers etc.
(b) Discussion Forum –
- For total 3 days in an Academic year
- For a group of 20-30 students
- On the topics covered in lectures/ demonstrations held as above.
(c) Exposure Visits –
- For total 5 days in an Academic year
- For a group of 20-30 students.
- Visit to National Laboratories, Pharmaceutical Companies, Pollution Control Board and Laboratories etc. with the subject experts.
- Emphasis will be on conservation and enhancement of bioresources.
(d) Project Works –
- For total 5 days in an Academic Year.
- To make them familiar with the laboratory oriented biodiversity and biotechnology projects such as DNA isolation, microprobe, microbial and tissue culture etc.
(e) Contests –
- For total 3 days in an Academic year.
- Essay writing, debate, oration and exhibition contests on environment/natural resources/ conservation issues.
(f) Workshops –
- Total Two workshops in a year.
- Each workshop will be for 2 days only.
- For developing skills of conservation strategies and planning at the local/regional level etc.
The National Academy of Sciences, India as RRA arranges a meeting at the interval of six months in regular manner with all the DNA Clubs to make an assessment of the activities going on; and will submit a report to DBT, New Delhi updating the ongoing activities and the progress report.
The Academy will organise a Vacation Training Programme for the selected teachers and students from the DNA Clubs to give them training to sustain the D N A Club activities in future.
The course curriculum and activities for Vacation Training Programme has been given below –
A. Introduction to biodiversity and bioresources
- Introduction to biodiversity and bioresources-their importance.
- Genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystems diversity.
- Distribution of terrestrial and aquatic bioresources, microbial bioresources.
- Value of bioresources – direct and indirect values, ethical values.
- Natural and wild resources-medicinal plants, economically/industrially useful palnts and animals, parasites & predators.
- Ecologically relevant resources-keystone species, pollinators, natural predators.
- Bioresources maintained by and in man made ecosystems. Genetic resources, agrobiodiveristy.
- Ethinic knowledge bases, folklore knowledge bases.
- Threats to bioresources.
- Conservation and sustainable use of bio-resources.
- Intellectual property rights and bioresources.
- Biotechnology and bioresources-scope, limits & precautions.
- Emerging avenues and careers in the fields of biodiversity, bioresources and biotechnology.
B. Exploring the Environment and understanding local bioresources
Practical hands on activities would be carried on as visits to forms and meetings with former community, documenting and studying local biodiversity, field visits to nature parks/wild life areas, visits to national laboratories and institutions.
A detailed discussion on the first hand experience would be held after every visit/meetings as above.
C. Interactive Sessions
This will include group discussions and presentations by the participants on the topics of curriculum, painting/poster sessions on biodiversity and conservation issues, web page designing on bioresources, street plays on environmental causes, A.V. Film presentations and celebration of important events/days.
D. Individual Projects by the students/teachers
Specific projects would be assigned to each student and teacher on community participation for biodiversity conservation, herbarium preparation, tissue culture, DNA isolation etc.
Each student/teacher will work on such project under the guidance of an expert for field studies, library research and data collection, analysis and impact assessment related to the project.
E. Wrap-up Session
- Experience sharing
- Power Point presentation by the students and teachers.
- Get together with eminent scientists.
Award of prizes and certificates.
A Report on the Progress of the Project
2007 – 09
Progress Report
Number of DNA Clubs under the RRA, with list of school (State Wise)
Total no. of DNA Clubs formed by the RRA (NASI) is twenty five; the details are given below:-
In U.P.
Institution Approx. No. of students
1. Tagore Public School (C B S E Affiliated) – 550
179, Attarsuiya
2. D.A.V. Intermediate College, 600
Sant Kabir Nagar
3. T.D. Intermediate College, 575
4. Prabhat Academy (an Intermediate College) 515
Astabhuja Nagar,
5. M.D. Jain Intermediate College 550
6. S.D.D.B. Rama Intermediate College 670
Hari Parwat
7. C.P Vidya Niketan Intermediate College, 450
Kapil Road
8. N.A.S. Intermediate College 550
9. Parker Inter College 400
10. Mahgaon Inter College 550
In M.P.
11. Bonanza Higher Secondary School, 350
Opposite Hotel Park
Rewa Road
Satna -485001
12. Govt. Excellence Higher Secondary School 315
13. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, 525
Biker- Datia – 475661
14. Govt. Excellence Higher Secondary School 400
15. E.C.I. School 340
Arjun Nagar
16. Govt. R.P. School 300
Indrapuri Colony
17. Central Academy Higher Secondary School 340
(Behind S.P. Bungalow)
Rajendra Nagar Police line
18. Meenakshi Educational Institute 300
Bengali Kali Tigade,
Saugor (Sagar)
19. Shealeng Home English Higher Secondary School 250
Mahoba Road,
20. Mother Teresa Higher Secondary English School, 115
In Bihar
21. Chapra Central School, 770
Sandha Road,
Near Bazar Samiti
22. St. Pauls School —
23. Ishan Inter Public School —
Malahi Pakri, Kankarbagh
24. D.A.V. Public School 300
Power grid Campus
Bihar Sharif
Ranchi- Patna Road
Nalanda, Bihar-803101
25. D.A.V. Intermediate College 550
10, 265
Number of students of each DNA Club, school wise and total.
The total number of students involved in DNA Club activities is approximately 10,000 (for school wise list please see the details given in point 2 as above).
Initially the activities started in each school with a few students, as 40-50 in every school; but due to its pious cause and enthusiasm shown by the coordinators and students, the number of students involved in DNA Clubs significantly increased and finally every school has a good number of students involved in DNA Club activities.
Name and designation of the RRA Officers-in-Charge of DNA Club activities.
§ VTP Course Director – Prof. Krishna Misra, General Secretary – HQ, NASI
§ Dr Niraj Kumar, Assistant Executive Secretary & Principal Investigator, DNA Club Project, NASI
§ Dr. Mohd. Masood, Co- P.I., DNA Club Project, NASI
§ Local Advisory Committee: –
Prof. J. S. Singh
Prof. S. L. Srivastava (in place of Prof P K Khare, who died in 2009)
Prof. U. C. Srivastava
Prof. D. K. Chauhan
(The Council of the Academy has nominated the General Secretary (HQ) as the Project Coordinator; and also constituted an Apex Advisory Committee to look after overall development of the project work.)
Number of field visits organized for the students, places and duration of visits.
Total number of Field Visits organized by the DNA Clubs was 82. The Club-wise details are given below: –
DNA Clubs at Uttar Pradesh
1 Visited Polluted areas of Pratapgarh District – Two Days
2 Visited Pond areas of Pratapgarh District – One Day
Sant Kabir Nagar:
3 Sant Kabir Nagar Botanical Garden – One Day
4 Botanical Garden, Gorakhpur – One Day
5 Bakhira pakshi vihar & lake – One Day
6 Shahjahan Botanical Garden, Agra – One Day
7 Zoology and Botany Museum of St. John’s College – Two Days
8 Biotech Pharmaceutical Lab, Agra – One Day
9 Microbiology Lab, D.E.I. Agra– One Day
10 Bird Sanctuary, Keetham, Agra – One Day
11 Zoological and botanical Garden – One Day
12 Deer Park, Moradabad – One Day
13 Jim Corbet National Park – Two Days
14 Food and Quality Control Department – One Day
15 Parag Milk Dairy – One Day
16, 17 Lalit Hari Ayurvedic College to study Medicinal Plants
and preparation of Herbarium – Four Days – (Visited twice)
18 Local Biodiversity Centre: Two Days
19 Subodh Nursery Barjhala – – One Day
20 Cooperative Sugar Mill, Kaimganj – One Day
21 Kampil, Farrukhabad – One Day
22 Farm area – One Day
23 Gomti River Bank, Jaunpur – One Day
24 Lucknow – One Day
25 Sarnath – One Day
26 Sangam to study the aquatic flora and fauna – One Day
27 Company garden – One Day
28 Heritage site – One Day
29 Sangam to study the aquatic flora and fauna – One Day
DNA Clubs at Madhya Pradesh
30 Kuthulia farm – One Day
31 Khakhri (Govindgarh) Rewa – One Day
32 Chachai Fall, Sirmour – One Day
33 Agriculture College, Rewa – One Day
34 Deoland, Rewa- One Day
35 Panna National Park- One Day
36 Medicinal Garden- One Day
37 Museum, Ghubela, Chhatarpur – One Day
38 Pahil Vatika, Khajuraho- One Day
39 Khajuraho Van – One Day
40 Khajuraho Temples – One Day
41, 42 Panna National Park- Four Days – (Visited twice)
43, 44 Visit to Different Cement Factories/Gardens in City- Four Days
– (Visited twice)
45 Botanical Garden – One Day
46, 47 Reserve Forest, Bandhavgarh – Two Days- – (Visited twice)
48, 49 Rose Garden – Two Days – (Visited twice)
50 Amarkantak Medicinal Plant Garden – One Day
51 Local Reserve – One Day
52 Zoological Park – One Day
53 Local Forest – One Day
54 Biological Medicinal Plants, Amarkantak – One Day
55 Local Historical Place – One Day
56 Nearest Village – One Day
57 Highway road-side Habitats – One Day
58 Murna River – One Day
59 Biotech Lab, Guna- One Day
60 Local Parks- One Day
61 H.S.S. Beekar – One Day
62 Gandhi Park – One Day
63 Computer Lab of nearby institutes – One Day
64 NSS Camp – One Day
65 Local Places – One Day
66 Fish Farm- One Day
67 Banda Talab- One Day
68 Olea Temple – One Day
69 Panna National Park- Two Days
70 Local Parks and Sc Faculty Museum – Two Days
71 Rajghat water valley, Sagar – One Day
72 Rahatgarh waterfall – One Day
73 Dr. H.S. Gour University – One Day
DNA Clubs at Bihar
74 Local River Area to identify Flora and Fauna – Two Days
75 Medicinal Garden- One Day
76 Local Places – One Day
77 Local field visit for the collection of Herbarium Plants. – Five Days
78 Local surrounding areas of city to study Hydrophytic & Xerophytic Plant Adaptation –Six Days
79, 80 Local crop-fields –Eleven Days – (Visited twice)
81 Rajgir forest – One Day
82 Nalanda Buddha Garden – One Day
Projects undertaken by the students.
In total, 80 projects were undertaken by the students. The Club-wise details are given below: –
A. Projects under taken by students at RRA:
1. Herbarium preparation of selected flowering plants
2. Mathematical modeling for environmental pollution problems
3. Study of Simian biodiversity of Vindhya region
4. Herbarium preparation of selected medicinal plants
5. Animation slides preparation (related to biodiversity, wild life and environmental pollution)
6. Study of Animal Behavior in Panna tiger reserve forest
7. Study of Pollution and its impact in Cement factory (Satna)
8. Study of Biodiversity in Maihar (Satna)
9. Preparation of white LEDs lamp
10. Preparation of multi vibrator
11. Study of power supply in energy-savvy adopter
12. Preparation of water level indicator
13. Making of an aquarium
14. Behavioural distinction between monkeys and Langoors
15. Extraction of DNA from the cotyledons of gram
16. Experiments related to mechanics
17. Experiments related to sound
18. Experiments related to light
19. Study of electromagnetism
20. Experiments based on gravitation
B. Projects under taken by DNA Clubs:
Mahgaon Inter College, Kaushambi:
- Herbarium preparation of selected medicinal plants
- Wild life and endangered species
- r-DNA Technology
D.A.V. Intermediate College, Sant Kabir Nagar:
24. Study of Bioresources
25. Characteristics of Birds
M.D. Jain Intermediate College, Agra:
26. Tissue culture of some selected plants
27. Biodiversity around Taj Mahal, Agra, U.P.
Parker Inter College, Moradabad:
- Preparation of Herbarium of selected plants
- Herbarium Collection of medicinal plants
Prabhat Academy, Pratapgarh:
- Awareness regarding Cancer Patients
- Health and Hygienic conditions of the city
- Health and Hygienic conditions of water bodies
S.D.D.B. Rama Intermediate College, Pilibhit:
- Herbarium preparation of flowering plants
- Conservation of Bioresources
- Air water and wind pollution
T.D. Inter College, Jaunpur:
- Collection of medicinal plants and their uses
- Food and spices testing
- Water sample testing
D.A.V. Intermediate College, Siwan:
- Present status and future planning of water bodies in Siwan
- Herbal plants and heath care products
- Land & water pollution
- Food adulteration
43. Herbarium preparation of Bamboo plants
44. Preparation of herbarium of medicinal plant
Chapra Central School, Chapra:
- Forestation as natural resource management
- Animal biodiversity and conservation
- Collection of 5 types of cereals
- Soil pollution: An environmental degradation
Govt. Excellence Higher Secondary School, Sidhi:
- Study of wild life
- Herbarium preparation of medicinal plants
- Plant biodiversity around Sidhi
- Water pollution and conservation
- Study of fish ecosystem
- Study of Tiger Reserve Forests
- Forest Conservation
Govt. Excellence Higher Secondary School, Maihar:
- Medicinal plants and their uses
- Biofertilizer and their impact on agriculture
- Water harvesting and treatment of water
- Medicinal plants collection & their utility
- Air and Water Pollution & their Control
Central Academy Higher Secondary School, Shahdol:
- Water erosion and pollution
- Study of Tiger species in India
- Tissue culture in plants
- Project about isolation of organism
- Plantation in City
- Solar Energy: An alternative source of energy
- Dams and Hydroelectricity
- Importance of Forestation
- Impact of soil erosion on soil fertility
- Exhibition on water cycle
- Toxic gases and global warming
E.C.I. School, Rewa:
- Microbial and tissue culture
- Conservation of trees: A natural resource management
- Industrial pollution and dumping sites
- Medicinal plants and diseases
- Agricultural chemicals & its alternatives
- Global warming & green house effect
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Datia:
- Project on algae (blue green algae)
- Air pollution and ozone depletion
- Water testing and purification
Number of lectures and meet-the Scientist programmes organized.
Total 288 lectures were delivered during two years programmes; the details are given below: –
Lectures organized by RRA:
Date Resource Person Topic
1) 7.9.07 Prof. J.S. Singh Biodiversity Resources
2) 7.9.07 Prof. G.K. Srivastava Recent Advancement in
3) 8.9.07 Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava Evolutionary systemics
4) 8.9.07 Prof. U.C. Srivastava Five kingdom system
5) 9.9.07 Prof. Krishna Misra Biotechnology
6) 9.9.07 Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava Ecology for Aquarium
7) 9.9.07 Prof. P.K. Seth Awareness in the field of
8) 5.11.07 Dr. Anil Kumar Introducing Green Chemistry
9) 6.11.07 Prof. S.L. Srivastava Climate change
10) 15.2.08 Prof. S.P.S. Khanuja Advancements in Genetics
and Molecular biology
11) 15.2.08 Prof. Veena Tandon On worms
12) 16.2.08 Prof. Paramjeet Khurana On Biotechnology
13) 16.2.08 Prof. R.S. Nadgauda On Bamboo
14) 3.6.08 Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava Environment: Our responsibility
15) 3.6.08 Prof. S.L. Srivastava Universe breeds life
16) 3.6.08 Prof. Krishna Misra Biodiversity
17) 4.6.08 Prof. J.S. Singh Biodiversity
18) 4.6.08 Prof. D.K. Chauhan Diversity pattern of plants
19) 5.6.08 Prof. P.K. Seth Challenges & Opportunities
In Toxicology
20) 5.6.08 Dr. Ashwani Kumar Biodiversity and its other aspects
21) 5.6.08 Prof. B.N. Dhawan Symbiotic relationship Between
Biodiversity and Drug Discovery
22) 6.6.08 Prof. M.M. Verma Soil and its varieties
23) 6.6.08 Prof. S.P. Misra Radiation and its effect
24) 6.6.08 Mrs. Uttara Ratna Natural Resources
25) 12.6.08 Dr. S.M. Nair Environmental education
26) 12.6.08 Prof. P.K. Mathur We; water, air and waste
27) 13.6.08 Dr. C.S. Nautiyal Biotechnology in India
28) 15.6.08 Dr. Bechan Sharma HIV and AIDS
29) 16.6.08 Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava Impact of change on
30) 16.6.08 Prof. U.C. Srivastava Antioxidants
31) 18.6.08 Dr. Niraj Kumar Concept Building in Zoology
32) 28.9.08 Prof Krishna Misra Teaching Methodology
33) 28.9.08 Prof U C Srivastava Preservation techniques for
Museum Specimens
34) 29.9.08 Prof G K Srivastava Flowering Plants
35) 29.9.08 Prof D K Chauhan Medicinal and Herbal Plants
36) 29.9.08 Prof C B L Srivastava Aquatic ecology
37) 29.9.08 Prof Krishna Misra DNA Isolation
38) 29.9.08 Dr Md Masood Water Purification Techniques
39) 29.9.08 Dr Abhai Pandey DNA Extraction
40) 19.12.08 Prof U C Srivastava Endocrine & Diseases
41) 19.12.08 Prof. U C Srivastava Hormone regulation
42) 20.12.08 Dr Abhay Pandey Vaccines
43) 20.12.08 Dr Manvendra Tripathi Communicable Diseases
44) 02.02.09 Prof R S Ambasht Ecology & Economics of
45) 14.02.09 Prof Krishna Misra Biotechnology &
46) 15.02.09 Prof R K Srivastava Computer Aided Design
47) 16.02.09 Dr Niraj Kumar Medicinal Herbs
48) 21.02.09 Sri Sanjay Kumar Pollution
49) 15.06.09 Prof S L Srivastava Energy crisis
50) 18.06.09 Prof C B L Srivastava Aquarium keeping
51) 18.06.09 Prof Anita Gopesh Variety of fishes &
maintenance of Aquarium
52) 19.06.09 Prof U C Srivastava Oncology, Gene therapy &
53) 21.06.09 Prof D K Chauhan Man and Environment
54) 21.06.09 Dr Ashwini K. Sharma Recent Development in
Environmental Sciences
55) 26.06.09 Prof Krishna Misra Recent Development in
Biochemistry &
56) 26.06.09 Dr Abhay Pandey History of DNA
57) 27.06.09 Dr K P Mishra Fascination of Nuclear
Radiation & Human life
58) 27.06.09 Dr Sharada Sundaram Recent Development in
Chemical Sciences
59) 28.06.09 Prof U N Dwivedi On Biotechnology
60) 28.06.09 Dr Niraj Kumar Chemical nature of food &
types of nutrition
61) 28.06.09 Prof G K Srivastava Genome
62) 29.06.09 Dr Manvendra Tripathi Recent researches in the field
of communicable diseases
63) 30.06.09 Prof C B L Srivastava Human Evolution
64) 30.06.09 Dr K P Singh On Biodiversity
65) 30.06.09 Prof H C Verma India: Contributions &
Lectures organized by DNA Clubs:
C.P Vidya Niketan Intermediate College, Farrukhabad:
66) 25.9.07 Dr. N. D. Singh Ecosystem and
67) 6.10.07 Mr. P. Rath Applications of Remote
68) 15.10.07 Dr. N. D. Singh Wild life and endangered
69) 8.12.07 Dr. Manoj Kumar Tiwari Identification and uses of
medicinal plants
70) 6.4.08 Dr. N. D. Singh Flora and Fauna
71) 25.09.08 Documentary Film Wild life and different
72) 23.10.08 Documentary Film Planet Earth
Tagore Public School, Allahabad:
73) 25.10.07 Dr. V.C. Srivastava Role of Apiculture in
74) 28.3.08 Prof. J.S. Singh Biodiversity
D.A.V. Intermediate College, Sant Kabir Nagar:
75) 29.9.07 Sri A.P. Srivastava Ecosystem and its conservation
76) 29.9.07 Sri J.P. Singh Ecosystem
77) 18.9.07 Sri J.C. Misra Biodiversity and Environment
78) 18.9.07 Sri N. Singh Biodiversity – I
79) 7.10.07 Sri N. Singh Biodiversity – II
80) 7.10.07 Sri V.P. Dubey Biodiversity
81) 11.11.07 Sri R. Chaturvedi Natural Resources
82) 11.11.07 Smt. Neelam Singh Natural Resources
83) 16.12.07 Sri J.P. Singh Flora and Fauna and wild life
84) 16.12.07 Sri R. Chaturvedi Flora and Fauna
85) 06.1.08 Sri N. Singh Biodiversity
86) 13.1.08 Sri N. Singh Ecosystem
87) 22.1.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned On Birds
88) 10.2.08 Sri V.P. Dubey Biodiversity and Ecosystem
89) 10.2.08 Sri N. Singh Water pollution
A.M.D. Jain Intermediate College, Agra:
90) 16.10.07 Dr. K.P. Agarwal Wild life endangered species
91) 25.9.07 Dr. Pradeep Garg Medicinal Plants
92) 25.9.07 Sri M.C. Jain Environment
93) 16.10.07 Sri Nitin Jain Solid waste management
94) 31.10.07 Dr. Beena Jain Medicinal Plants
95) 31.10.07 Sri K.P. Agarwal Wild Animal
96) 14.11.07 Dr. Ashok Kumar Application of Remote sensing
97) 22.12.07 Priyanka Singh r- DNA technology
98) 22.12.07 Shweta Singh Molecular Marker
99) 20.07.08 Shri K.P. Agrawal Endangered Wild Animal
100) 20.07.08 Shri Nitin Jain Independence of Human on
101) 25.08.08 Dr. Pradeep Garg Medicinal Plant
102) 25.08.08 Dr. Sweta Singh Molecular Marker
103) 20.09.08 Dr. A. K. Kulshresth Application of Remote Sensing
104) 20.09.08 Dr. Beena Jain Medicinal Plants
105) 27.10.08 Priyanka Singh DNA Technology
106) 27.10.08 Shri K. P. Agrawal Endangered Wild Animal
107) 25.11.08 Dr. Narendra Singh DNA Technology
108) 25.11.08 Dr. Sweta Singh Molecular Marker
Mahgaon Inter College, Kaushambi:
109) 16.12.07 Smt. Uzma Tahsin Biodiversity
110) April, 08 Dr. Md. Masood Food Adulteration
111) April, 08 Dr. Sharada Sundaram Air Pollution
T.D. Intermediate College, Jaunpur:
112) 24.1.08Dr. Md. Masood Water Pollution
113) 25.1.08 Dr. Deepak Chandra Biotechnology
Parker Inter College, Moradabad:
114) 30.9.07 Sri Manoj Prabhakar Ecosystem
115) 30.9.07 Sri Rajeev Sharma Endangered species
116) 18.10.07 Sri Jojaf DNA
117) 18.10.07 Sri Sant Ram Singh Yadav Biodiversity
118) 20.11.07 Dr. Mukul Kishore Remote sensing
119) 20.11.07 S.K. Nathone Wild life and Ecosystem
120) 20.12.07 Dr. Anamika Tripathi r- DNA technology
121) 20.12.07 Manoj Prabhakar Medicinal Plants
122) 15.4.08 Dr. Abhay Pandey Biotechnology
123) 15.4.08 Dr. K.P. Singh Animal Diversity
124) 09.08.08 Dr. Jauli Garg Relation between different
125) 09.08.08 Dr. Anamika Tripathi Endangered Species
126) 20.9.08 Mr. Manoj Prabhakar Biodiversity
127) 18.10.08 Dr. R. C. Gupta Structure of DNA
128) 18.10.08 Dr. Mukul Kishore Remote Sensing
129) 08.11.08 Dr. G. K. Sharma r-DNA Technology
130) 08.11.08 Shri Rajiv Kumar Sharma Man and Environment
131) 20.10.08 Mr. Manoj Prabhakar Medicinal Plants and
Aromatic Plants
132) 10.01.09 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Biotic and Abiotic Components
N.A.S. Intermediate College, Meerut:
133) 27.10.07 Sri Roshan Lal Ecosystem and Biodiversity
134) 4.11.0 7 Sri A.K. Shukla Applications of Remote sensing
135) 4.11.07 Sri A.K. Shukla Medicinal Plants
136) 4.11.07 Sri Charan Singh Environment
137) 1.12.07 Dr. Rekha Sarshwat IPR
138) 1.12.07 Dr. A.K. Shukla Flora and Fauna and its
139) 06.12.07 Dr. Seema Jain DNA technology
140) 10.4.08 Dr. Niraj Kumar Evolutionary Diversity
141) 11.07.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Plantation
142) 26.08.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Science Exhibition
143) 10.02.09 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Science Festival
Prabhat Academy, Pratapgarh:
144) 14.8.07 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Nanotechnology
145) 22.8.07 Dr. Md. Masood Adulteration in food items
146) 29.9.07 Prof. S.L. Srivastava Smart materials based
on nanotechnology
147) 5.10.07 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Medicinal Plants
and its importance
148) 26.10.07 Name of the Speaker
ot mentioned Global Warming and
Green House Effect
149) 20.11.07 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Water pollution
150) 29.12.07 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Space Programme
in India
151) 5.9.07 Dr. Kiran Misra Practical aspects
of Global warming
152) 21.9.07 Dr. A. Srivastava Water pollution
153) 24.9.07 Dr. A. Misra Irritability in plants
154) 25.9.07 Dr. Kiran Misra Water pollution and
its effect
155) 26.11.07 Dr. Arvind Misra Economic importance
of Algae and Fungi
156) Dec, 07 Mr. Sanjay Srivastava Adulteration in food
157) 06.07.08 Dr. Kiran Mishra Water Harvesting
158) 10.07.08 Dr. A. Srivastava Importance of organic
159) 26.07.08 Dr. Arvind Mishra Importance of Algae and Fungi
and its distribution
160) 10.08.08 Dr. J. Mishra Water Pollution and its effects
161) 14.09.08 Dr. Arvind Mishra Importance of Grass and
162) 15.09.08 Dr. Kiran Mishra Importance of algae and
163) 22.09.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Medicinal Plants and its
164) 25.09.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Biodiversity
165) 28.09.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Space Exploration
166) 30.10.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Environment
167) 12.11.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Global Warming and
Green House effect
168) 22.11.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Awareness programme on
water pollution
169) 02.01.09 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Plantation
170) 05.01.09 Ms. Laxmi Singh,Mrs.Anamika
& Ramendra Saxena Irritability of plants and
their use
171) 06.01.09 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Science Exhibition
172) 28.01.09 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Seminar on the topic sensitivity
of living beings
173) 10.02.09 Mr. K. D. Gupta Global Warming
174) 10.04.09 Mr. Ramendra Saxena Nanotechnology
S.D.D.B. Rama Intermediate College, Pilibhit:
175) 29.8.07Dr. Praveen Kr. GuptaMedicinal Plants
176) 29.8.07 Sri Surya Prakash Medicinal Plants
177) 29.8.07 Sri C.P. Gangwar r- DNA Technology
178) 19.9.07 Sri G.P. Sharma Wild life endangered species
179) 19.9.08 Sri R.K. Sharma Wild life endangered species
180) 7.10.07 Sri Prabhat Gupta Healing of Ozone layer
181) 7.10.07 Sri Prabhat GuptaEcosystem
182) 7.10.07 Sri L.K. Sharma Remote sensing
183) 14.11.07 Sri Vivek Sharma Totem and Taboos
184) 14.11.07 Sri K.S. Shukla Tissue culture
185) 6.12.07 Sri Kamal Flora and Fauna
186) 6.12.07 Sri Taskir Ujama Conservation of Natural
187) 05.09.08 Mrs. Urmila Devi Medicinal Plants
188) 08.09.08 Mr. Gopal Prasad Sharma r-DNA Technology
189) 10.09.08 Mr. Chandrapal Gangwar Molecular Marker
190) 16.09.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Application of Remote
191) 16.09.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Flora & Fauna
192) 04.10.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Totem & Taboos
193) 04.10.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Wild life Conservation
194) 04.10.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Medicinal Plants
195) 04.10.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Animal Conservation
196) 22.12.08 Bhawani Shankar Sharma Molecular Marker
197) 03.01.09 Group Discussion Natural Resource
198) 04.01.09 Group Discussion Ecosystem
199) 04.01.09 Group Discussion Medicinal Plants
200) 05.01.09 Group Discussion Tissue Culture
D.A.V. Intermediate College, Siwan:
201) not mentioned Sri Anil Kumar Singh Biodiversity
202) not mentioned Sri Raj Kumar Srivastava Food adulteration
203) 25.4.08 Dr. Niraj Kumar Biodiversity
204) 18.08.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Herbarium preparation
205) 01.09.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Herbarium preparation
206) 19.09.08 Mr. Anil Kumar Singh Increasing Imbalance in Nature
and thus resulting in Problems
like Global Warming
207) 22.09.08 Prof. Bindeshwari Prasad &
Prof. Ravindra Nath Pathak Conservation of Natural
208) 09.01.09 Mr. Anil Kumar Singh Medicinal Plants
209) 10.01.09 Prof. Gyan Prakash Thakur Ecosystem and Ecological
210) 10.06.09 Mr. Param Hans Mishra,
Anil Kumar Singh
Arvind Kumar Singh
Raj Kumar Srivastava Awareness about Science and
211) 12.07.09 Prof. Manoranjan Prasad Biodiversity
Chapra Central School, Chapra:
212) 18.9.07 Prof. S.L. Srivastava Global warming
213) 18.9.07 Prof. U.C. Srivastava Antioxidant
214) 19.9.07 Dr. Sharada Sundaram Biodiversity
215) 22.10.07 Sri Deepak Kr. Sharma r – DNA
216) 5.10.07 Sri Deepak Kr. Sharma DNA isolation
217) 10.12.07 Sri Deepak Kr. Sharma DNA replication
218) 17.12.07 Sri Deepak Kr. Sharma Biodiversity and its
219) 24.12.07 Sri Deepak Kr. Sharma PCR
220) 14.1.08 Sri Deepak Kr. Sharma Gel electrophoresis
221) 18.2.08 Sri Deepak Kr. Sharma Structure of
Human ear
222) 26.4.08 Dr. Niraj Kumar Impact of Global
223) 04.08.08 Mr. Deepak Sharma DNA Isolation
224) 20.10.08 Mr. Deepak Sharma Polymerase chain reaction
225) 24.11.08 Mr. Deepak Sharma Process of gene expression
226) 30.03.09 Mr. Deepak Sharma GM food: are they safe
227) 11.05.09 Mr. Deepak Sharma AIDS and CD4 receptor
Govt. Excellence Higher Secondary School, Sidhi:
228) 30.10.07 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Biodiversity
229) Jan 08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Medicinal Plants
Mother Teresa Higher Secondary English School, Khajuraho:
230) 18.4.08Prof. Anita Gopesh Pollution
231) 18.4.08 Dr. Niraj Kumar Animal Diversity
Govt. R.P. School, Panna:
232) 20.12.07 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned r DNA
233) 30.12.07 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned r DNA
234) 17.1.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned IPR
235) 20-22.1.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Remote sensing
236) 27.1.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Molecular Marker
237) 3.2.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Molecular Marker
238) 10.2.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned r DNA
239) 17.4.08 Dr. K.P. Singh Types of Animal Diversity
Govt. Excellence Higher Secondary School, Maihar:
240) Sep., 07 Dr. P.L. Verma Biodiversity and Remote
241) Sep., 07 Sri O.P. Sharma Medicinal plants
242) Sep., 07 Sri M.P. Sharma Natural Resources and our duty
243) Sep., 07 Sri A.K. Garg Ecosystem
244) Dec, 07 Dr. G.K. Jha Biodiversity and its
245) Jan, 08 Sri A.K. Garg Bioresources and biotechnology
246) Feb, 08 Dr. D.K. Jha Natural resources And its
247) 17.4.08 Dr, Shivesh Pratap Singh Simian Diversity
248) July, 08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Animal behavior
and their utility
249) Oct., 08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Biodiversity
250) Dec., 08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Pollution in our local areas
251) Jan., 09 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Natural Resource & Man
252) Apr., 09 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Medicinal plants
Central Academy Higher Secondary School, Shahdol:
253) Oct., 08 Dr V. Singh Medicinal Plant & its uses
254) Dec., 08 Mr. H. R. Singh Water Harvesting
255) Feb., 08 Dr. R.S. Singh Importance of Ozone
256) July, 08 Alka Lal Biological Lecture
257) Aug., 08 D. P. Mishra Deforestation
258) Oct., 08 Dr. V. Singh Medicinal Plant and its uses
259) Dec., 08 Mr. H.R. Singh Water Harvesting
260) Feb., 09 Dr. R.S. Singh Importance of Ozone layers
261) Apr, 09 not mentioned Importance of Atmosphere
262) June, 09 not mentioned Project tiger
Bonanza Higher Secondary School, Satna:
263) 1.12.07 Dr. Shivesh Pratap Singh Biodiversity
264) 29.12.07 Dr. C.K. Dakre Biotechnology
265) 25.1.08 Name of the Speaker
not mentioned Water conservation
266) 15.3.08 Dr. A.K. Tripathi Space Science
267) 16.4.08 Dr. Niraj Kumar Biodiversity
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Datia:
268) 10.10.07 Mr. A.K. Srivastava Ecology and Environment
269) 10.10.07 Mr. T.D. Tripathi Pollution
270) 31.1.08 Dr. U.C. Pachauri Biodiversity
271) 12.4.08 Prof. C.K. Dwivedi Updates on Biodiversity
E.C.I. School, Rewa:
272) 26.9.07 Dr. Vidyut Sharma Biotechnology
273) 26.9.07 Mr. S.P. Dwivedi Ecosystem
274) 8.10.07 Mrs. Shaheen Khan Totem and Taboos
275) 8.10.07 Sri Abhay Tirkey DNA Technology
276) 25.10.07 Prof. R.S. Sharma Molecular Marker
277) 25.10.07 Miss K. Quazi Flora and Fauna
278) 22.11.07 Prof. Alam Biodiversity
279) 22.11.07 Mr. G. Misra Wild life endangered species
280) 3.12.07 Dr. Akhilesh Tiwari Remote sensing
281) 3.12.07 Dr. Priyanka Tirky Medicinal Plants
282) 18.4.08 Dr. Niraj Kumar Role of DNA Club
283) 18.4.08 Dr. K.P. Singh Animal Diversity
284) 18.4.08 Prof. Anita Gopesh Biodiversity
285) 08.08.08 Dr. Vidyut Sharma Medicinal Plant
286) 15.10.08 Mr. S.P. Dwivedi Totem & Taboos
287) 26.11.08 Miss K. Quazi Basic Principle of Conservation
of Natural Resources288) 20.01.09 Mr. S.S. Baghel Flora & Fauna
Number of Laboratory experiments conducted by students.
The students conducted several experiments, which may be grouped as: –
- Identification of museum specimens – Animals and Plants
- Water pollution testing
- Irritability in plants
- Food adulteration testing
- Air pollution testing – Quantitative and Qualitative
- Tissue culture techniques – Animal and Plant
- DNA isolation and application of PCR
- DNA Probe
- Photosynthesis
- Microscopic examination of cell organelles
- Chromosomal slide preparation
- Microbial Culture (blue green algae)
- Physiological experiments related to cell sap movement and osmosis in plants.
- Blood group testing
- Specimen preservation by transfusion technique
- Experiments on basic principles in Physics
- Mat- lab and Fuzzy for its application in solving problems related to environment.
- Identification of Microbials
- How does plants use water
- To examine the system of Photosynthesis
- To examine the cell division of different types of method in plants
- To examine the need of oxygen and sunlight for plants
- Aquatic Plants
- Biochemicals and Food particle testing
- Working with nature
- Cleanliness methods & community
- Identification of different types of water borne contaminants (WCBs)
- ABO blood grouping test
- Identification of Barr body
- Section cutting (stem and root internal structure)
Scientific Institutions visited by the students and the objectives of the visits.
During the one year period the RRA organized the following visits: –
Biotech Park, Lucknow: Objective was to create awareness among students about different techniques of diversity conservation and also to excite them to pursue carrier in Biotechnology. They were excited to see the human genome bank and other biotechnological tools in Biotech Park.
CIMAP, Lucknow: To acquaint the students with conservation techniques of medicinal and aromatic plants. They learnt basic techniques of tissue culture and hybrid formation etc.
NBRI, Lucknow: To visit Botanical Garden of NBRI to learn about its activities and see the vast diversity of plant species.
Regional Science Center, Lucknow: To learn about the evolutionary speciation and marine ecosystem in artificially designed natural history park and biome gallery.
Zoo, Lucknow: To learn about animal diversity and food chain.
CDRI, Lucknow: To know about the CSIR laboratories and their importance.
Birbal Shahani, Institute of Paleobotany, Lucknow: To learn about the palaeontological evidences of diversity of plants and animals.
Botanical Survey of India, Allahabad: To learn about the medicinally important plants and economic plants of central and northern India; and also making herbarium of these plants.
Zoological Museum, University of Allahabad: To gather information about different animal species and observe their characteristics.
Botanical Garden, University of Allahabad: To know about the plant diversity of Allahabad region and systematic study of hydrophytic plants.
IIIT, Allahabad: To perform experiments on DNA isolation and PCR. They observed Mitochondrial DNA and DNA of few plants themselves in the laboratories of IIIT.
M.G. Gramodaya, Chtirakoot Vishwavidyalaya, Chtirakoot: To get first hand information related to application of rural technologies for conservation of wild life.
Arogya Dham, Chitrakoot:To study collection of some rare medicinal plants, their processing for obtaining biologically active compounds and their pharmacological preparations. They also learnt the techniques of developing food- products from herbal material.
I V R I, Bareilly: To study the preservation techniques for animal- gametocytes; and also to learn several other biotech procedures.
Nainital & Bhim Tal: They studied aquatic ecosystem by observing flora & fauna associated with the lakes; and also enjoyed the beauty of these places situated in the nature’s womb.
Number of visits by RRA representatives to the DNA Club schools.
The RRA Representatives visited all the DNA Clubs (once or twice) in last six months except Hazipur and Patna. However, the Project Coordinator, Advisory Committee Members and other experts interacted many times with the teachers and coordinators of the DNA Clubs during their participation in the Orientation Programmes, Winter School and V T P.
Constraints experienced by the RRA in serving DNA Clubs.
The laboratory and library facilities at most of the participating schools were far from adequate. Students are not exposed to basic instruments, like Compound Microscope, Water Testing kits, etc. Most of these DNA Clubs are also not having proper audio-visual facilities. All these are essential for carrying out the activities of the DNA Clubs.
Highlights of the activities including outstanding programmes.
- The Programme was appreciated and liked by all the DNA Clubs, spread in 25 districts involving about 10,000 students in less than about two years duration.
- The four Orientation Programmes organized by the RRA at Allahabad, (the details are given as Annexure 1 a, b, c & d) made a significant impact on the teachers and students in terms of their increased level of awareness and enthusiasm.
- The DNA Clubs at Chapra, Pilibhit, Datia, Farrukhabad, Kaushambi, Satna and Siwan organized other activities also, as seminars on Biodiversity, patenting, r-DNA technology and related issues.
- Similarly, DNA Clubs at Pilibhit and Kaushambi have started documenting different information on biodiversity in the form of regular magazine/ booklet.
- The lectures held at RRA were saved in CDs and these, as well as animation CDs, were distributed among all the DNA Clubs.
- The RRA has developed its own water testing kit and food adulteration testing kit, which were also distributed among all the DNA Clubs
- Documentation of information related to environment and biodiversity (Biodiversity Register) has been initiated; also the concept of Nature-Man-Spirit-Complex for effective implementation of conservation plans has been introduced.
- Students learnt extraction of DNA practically from the cotyledons of Cicer arietinum (gram) without using sophisticated instruments.
Vocation Training Programmes Organized
A Report on Vacation Training Programme (2008)
The National Academy of Sciences India organized the Vacation Training Programme (under the DNA Club of the Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India) on a theme –“Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management”; starting from June 3, 2008 (including the celebration of ‘World Environment Day’ on June 5 2008) and ending in the Valedictory Function on June 23. 2008. Prof. Krishna Misra was the Course Director for VTP. Distinguished scientists and experts – Prof. J.S. Singh, BHU, Varanasi, Prof. B N Dhawan, CDRI, Lucknow, Prof. P.K. Seth, Biotech Park, Lucknow, Prof. S.L. Srivastava, University of Allahabad (UOA) ,Prof. Krishna Misra, IIIT, Allahabad, Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava, (UOA), Prof. U.C. Srivastava, (UOA), Prof. C.S. Nautiyal, NBRI, Lucknow, Prof. Abhay Mansingh, Delhi University, Prof. G.K. Srivastava, (UOA), Prof. D.K. Chauhan, (UOA),Prof S.P. Misra, Kamala Nehru Memorial Hospital, Allahabad, Dr. Ashwani Kumar, FRI, Kanpur, Prof. P.K. Mathur, Lucknow University, Prof Jairaj Behari, ITRC, Lucknow, Prof C K Dwivedi (UOA), Prof R K Srivastava and Dr Pankaj Srivastava, M N N I T, Allahabad and many others, addressed the participants as given in the enclosed programme. 140 students and teachers from about 40 institutions of Allahabad and 18 DNA Clubs, participated actively in the programme and interacted with the experts, exhibiting keen interest, inquisitiveness and desire to understand the subject. Some of the students were well informed. The expert scientists also enjoyed interacting with them and were impressed by their active participation. The interactive sessions lasted much beyond the stipulated hours. On a special occasion Dr. S.M. Nair, Chief Coordinator, DNA Club and Senior Advisor, Centre for Environment Education (CEE), New Delhi participated in the programme on June 11 & 12, 2008 and interacted with the participants.
The whole programme was divided into the following:
A. Introduction to Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management:
About 30 lectures were held to introduce the concept of Natural Resources, Biodiversity-assessment and conservation, Current Environmental Issues, Environmental Crisis, Wild Life, Food Chain, Distribution of Biodiversity Resources, Global Climate Change, Intellectual Property Rights, Pollutions, Green Chemistry and Ecosystem etc. A topic-wise details of the lectures is given in the programme.
B. Hands-on Activities
Practical hands on activities were organized on the following –
- Identification of museum specimens – Animals and Plants
- Experiments on basic principles in Physics
- Water pollution testing
- Food adulteration testing
- Air pollution testing – Quantitative and Qualitative
- Tissue culture – Animal and Plant
- DNA isolation and PCR
- DNA Probe
- Microscopic examination of cell organelles
- Microbial Tissue Culture (blue green algae)
- Mat- lab and Fuzzy for its application in solving problems related to environment.
- Computer Animation
C. Exploring the Environment
Fields and Laboratories Visits were also organized –
- Botanical Survey of India, Allahabad: To learn about the medicinally important plants and economic plants of central and northern India; and also making herbarium of these plants.
- Zoological Museum, University of Allahabad: To gather information about different animal species and observe their characteristics.
- Botanical Garden, University of Allahabad: To know about the plant diversity of Allahabad region and systematic study of hydrophytic plants.
- IIIT, Allahabad: To perform experiments on DNA isolation and PCR. They observed Mitochondrial DNA and DNA of few plants themselves in the laboratories of IIIT.
- M.G. Gramodaya, Chtirakoot Vishwavidyalaya, Chtirakoot: To get first hand information related to application of rural technologies for conservation of wild life.
- Arogya Dham, Chitrakoot: To study collection of some rare medicinal plants, their processing for obtaining biologically active compounds and their pharmacological preparations. They also learnt the techniques of developing food- products from herbal material.
D. Individual Projects by the students:
The participating students prepared projects related to environment and biodiversity as:–
- Herbarium preparation of different flowering plants
- Mathematical modeling for different environmental pollution problems
- Study of Simian biodiversity of Vindhya region
- Herbarium preparation of some of the medicinal plants
- Computer Animation (related to biodiversity, wild life and environment)
- Study of flying bats in Gupt – Godavari caves
E. Wrap-up Session:
It was divided in to following six sessions
- Experience sharing
- Power Point presentation and address by the teachers and students
- Career counseling
- Get together with eminent scientists
- Assessment, and finally
- Certificate and Prize Distribution
The date- wise details of the whole programme is given below –
Theme: Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management
Tuesday, June 03, 2008: (Inaugural Session)
- Welcome: by Prof. S.L. Srivastava, Coordinator, Science Communication Programme
- About the VTP: by Prof. Krishna Misra, Course Director, VTP (DNA Club)
- About the Summer School: by Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava, Convener, Summer School
- Address by the Chief Guest: by Prof. J.S. Singh, Chairperson, Local Advisory Committee (DNA Club)
- Vote of Thanks: by Prof. U.C. Srivastava, Treasurer, NASI
Popular/ Introductory Lectures:
- Address by Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava on Environment: Our responsibility
- Address by Prof. S.L. Srivastava on Universe breeds life
- Address by Prof. Krishna Misra on Biotechnology
Wednesday, June 04, 2008: (Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management- Environmental Components)
- Address by Prof. J.S. Singh on Biodiversity
- Visit to Botany Department under Prof. G.K. Srivastava, Prof. D.K. Chauhan and Prof. S.P. Tiwari to learn Diversity Pattern of Plants.
Thursday, June 05, 2008: (One day Symposium on Environment and Pollution)
- Registration
- Film Show
- Welcome by Prof. S.L. Srivastava
- About the Symposium by Prof. Krishna Misra
- About present status of Environment by Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava
- About the Award Lecture and Awardee: Prof. S P Misra
- Inaugural Address & Award Lecture in the field of Toxicology on “Challenges and Opportunities in Toxicology” – Prof. P.K. Seth, C.E.O., Biotech Park & Formerly Director ITRC, Lucknow
- Presentation of the Award by Prof B.N. Dhawan
- Vote of Thanks by Prof G K Srivastava
Technical Sessions:
- Key Note Address by Dr. Ashwani Kumar, IFS and Formerly Director, FRI, Kanpur on Biodiversity and its other aspects
- Address by Prof. B.N. Dhawan, Formerly Director, CDRI, Lucknow on Symbiotic relationship betweenBiodiversity and Drug Discovery
- Address by: Prof. K.P. Misra, Director, United College of Engineering, Allahabad on Nuclear Radiation
Friday, June 06, 2008: (Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management – Environmental Components)
- Address byProf. S.L. Srivastava on Global Warming
- Address by Prof M M. Verma on Soil and its varieties
- Address by Prof. S.P. Misra, Director, Kamla Nehru Memorial Hospital, Allahabad on Radiation and its effects
- Address by Ms. Uttara Ratna, Allahabad on Natural Resources
Saturday, June 07, 2008: (Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management – Physical Components)
- Workshop on basic principles of Electronics: Prof. Abhai Mansingh and Colonel Ashok Mansingh
Sunday, June 08, 2008: (Workshop to be continued)
- Prof. Abhay Mansingh, Colonel Ashok Mansingh on Electronics and Dr. Brajesh Pandey on Experiments in Physics
Monday, June 09, 2008: (Workshop to be continued)
- Prof. Abhay Mansingh, Colonel Ashok Mansingh on Electronics and Dr. Brajesh Pandey on Experiments in Physics
Tuesday, June 10, 2008: (Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management – Chemical Components)
- Projects on Water Pollution and Food Adulteration under Dr. Md. Masood MNASc, NASI
Wednesday, June 11, 2008: (Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management – Chemical Components)
- Projects on air under Dr. Sharada Sundaram, MNASc, NASI
- Student’s interaction with Dr. S.M. Nair, Senior Advisor, CEE, New Delhi
Thursday, June 12, 2008: (Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management – Vital Issues)
- Address by Dr. S.M. Nair on Environmental Education
- Documentary Film
- Address by Dr. P.K. Mathur, Lucknow University, Lucknow on We, Water, Air and Waste
- Address by Prof. B.K. Misra, Kamla Nehru, Allahabad on Cancer and diagnostics
Friday, June 13, 2008: (Natural Resources: Dynamics and Management – Vital Issues)
(combined Session for Maths & Biological Sciences Students)
- Address by Prof C M Bhandari on Quantum Computing
- Address by Dr. C.S. Nautiyal on Biotechnology in India
- Visit to Botany Department under Prof. G.L. Tiwari & Dr. Richa Tandon (for Bio students only)
- Mathematical Session under Dr. Pankaj Srivastava and Prof Pathan (for Maths Students only)
Saturday, 14 to Monday, 16 June 2008: (Project Works/ Experimental Designs)
(Separate Sections for Mathematical Sciences and Biological Sciences)
- Mathematical Sciences conducted by Dr. Pankaj Srivastava and Dr D. Pandey on 14th & 16th June, 08
- Biological Sciences conducted by:
Prof. Krishna Misra & Dr. Abhay Pandey ( on DNA Isolation Techniques ) :14 June, 2008.
Visit to IIIT for DNA isolation & PCR ; and Lecture by Dr. Bechan Sharma on HIV & AIDs: 15th June, 2008
Address by Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava on Impact of change on biodiversity & Prof. U.C. Srivastava
on Antioxidants: 16th June,2008 ( before-noon) , and
Visit to Zoology Museum under Prof. U.C. Srivastava and Dr. K.P.Singh:16th June, 2008(afternoon)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008: (Project Work on Computer Aided Solutions)
- Learning of Computer skill conducted by Prof. R.K. Srivastava ,MNNIT, Allahabad
Wednesday, June 18 to Friday, June 20, 2008: (Field Visits & Project Works)
- Field visitstoVindhyan Region and Project Work on Animal and Plant Diversity under Prof U C Srivastava, Dr Niraj Kumar, Dr Shivesh Pratap Singh, Dr K P Singh, Dr Ramesh Chandra and Dr Md. Masood
- Project Work on Computer Animation under Ms Anupama Tiwari and Ms Jamila; on Electronics under Prof C K Dwivedi; and on Experiments in Physics and Mathematics under Dr O P Gupta at U S M S , Allahabad
Saturday, June 21 to Monday, June 23, 2008: (Interaction , Wrap- up and Valedictory Session)
- Interaction with Scientists of B.S.I., MNNIT, and other institutions.
- Counseling & Wrap- up
- Concluding Lectures
- Valedictory Session with the Chief Guest- Dr. Jairaj Behari, I I T R, Lucknow
Prize and Certificate Distribution
A Report on Vacation Training Programme (2009)
The Academy, after receiving the extension for the DNA Club project from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India on 26th May, 2009, held a meeting of the officers (at the HQ of the Academy at Allahabad) and advisors of the DNA Club project on June 6, 2009. In this meeting it was decided to organize the Vacation Training Programme (under DNA Project) and Summer School (under Science Communication Programme of NASI) jointly in the month of June, 2009. The VTP was thus started from June 10, 2009 at all the nodal centers (DNA Clubs) by organizing different contests to select the group of students who could participate in the joint program of VTP and Summer School at NASI from June 15 to 30, 2009.
The inauguration of the joint program was held on June 15, 2009 in the auditorium of NASI at Allahabad, in which 165 students and teachers from 35 schools of U.P., M.P. and Bihar participated along with fellows and members of the Academy.
The theme of this year’s programme was decided to be the ‘Recent Developments in Science & Technology’. Prof. S.L. Srivastava, Coordinator, Science Communication Programme of NASI, welcomed the participants and the distinguished guests present on this occasion. Prof. Krishna Misra (General Secretary –HQ, NASI) gave a brief description about the objectives of ‘Vacation Training Programme’ and DNA Club. She informed that out of 13 regional resource agencies established by the Department of Biotechnology to spread the awareness for the conservation of natural resources, the National Academy of Sciences, India has been chosen to spread the awareness programme in three states – U.P., M.P. and Bihar; and NASI is very hopeful to make the programme a success.
Prof. U. C. Srivastava, Convener of the Summer School conducted the inaugural session and described in detail the 16 days activity map for the school. Prof. G.K. Srivastava, Council Member of the Academy, proposed a vote-of-thanks.
After the inaugural tea, Prof. S. L. Srivastava, delivered the key-note address on ‘Energy Crisis’ and emphasized that the increase in population, environmental pollution and over exploitation of natural resources are responsible for the global warming. He told that the ‘modern technology’ will have to address to the energy-crisis by reducing the demand of energy and increasing the alternative eco-friendly energy sources.
The first session (June 15- 17, 09) was focused on ‘Recent Developments in Electronics & Communication’. Prof. Abhai Mansingh, Formerly Professor of Physics and Director, South Campus, Delhi University and Colonel Er. Ashok Mansingh demonstrated that the white LEDs are very energy efficient and if used on no profit no loss basis may even be cheaper than the kerosene lamps. Prof. Mansingh appealed that ‘we should opt for various alternatives for solving the energy-crisis’, otherwise, as we shall destroy our environment generating more and more of conventional energy in order to meet the requirement of modern civilization. It is, therefore, the duty of our budding scientists to make continuous efforts for conserving the nature.
The students learnt several project works on electronics and made white LEDs lamps, multi-vibrator, water level indicator and power supply adopters. Prof. C. K. Dwivedi, Department of Electronics and Communication, University of Allahabad (U o A), explained the functioning of embedded white LEDs systems. He further dealt in detail about the micro control tracking system of the solar panels to increase its efficiency by almost 1.5 times and added that using proper reflectors, we may harness the solar energy and feed it to the grid system for the use of the general mass, hopefully then the cost of solar electricity will be affordable.
On 18th June 2009, Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava, Formerly Head of the Department of Zoology, U o A and Prof. Anita Gopesh of the same department delivered talks in the session on ‘Recent Developments in Ecological Sciences’. Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava’s talk on Aquarium keeping was not only interesting but also dealt in detail from making of an aquarium to its maintenance. To prepare an aquarium we need to know about the types and varieties of fishes and their habitat preference, quality of water and other requirements. Gold fish, Risbora, Mollies, Platies, Barbs, Chordial teta, Neon teta, Lochies, Varieties Cambodia, Guppies, Chichlit, Pirhana, Oscar and Cat fishes are often kept in an aquarium to make it an attractive and colorful. Further, Prof. Anita Gopesh and Mr. Nihal Sahab, with the help of beautiful slides demonstrated the skill of making an aquarium, its size, environment, types of friendly fishes, water quality, fish feed and other details. The students learnt making an aquarium; and a nice aquarium was developed on the spot.
On 19th June 2009, in the Biological Sciences session, Prof. U.C. Srivastava of Allahabad University delivered an informative lecture on ‘Recent Developments in Animal Sciences’ covering the broad areas, as oncology, gene therapy, communicable diseases and antioxidants. Dr. Vimalesh Chandra Srivastava, Formerly Head of the Department of Zoology, CMP Degree College Allahabad gave a descriptive lecture on Advances in Genetics. He traced the evolution of Genetics, further explaining its role in the development of eugenics and euthenics.
In the Mathematical Sciences, Prof. A.K. Srivastava of Department of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and Dr. Ramesh Chandra of Faizabad delivered lectures on mathematical functions and recent trends in teaching mathematics in interesting way. The participants learnt to solve the problems of mathematics in very simple way.
On 20th June 2009, participants of biological sciences stream learnt staining, mounting and microscopic examination techniques in the laboratory of Zoology Department, University of Allahabad under overall supervision of Prof. U. C. Srivastava. They observed neurons and its variation, mitochondria, Golgi bodies and barr bodies. On the other hand the mathematical stream students were exposed to number theory by Prof. Ramjilal, U O A, Allahabad, matrices and their properties by Prof. A.K. Lal, IIT Kanpur and Dr. Ramesh Chandra. Dr. P.K. Singh, Mathematics Department, U o A, helped the students in solving the problems on matrices; and coordinated all the sessions on mathematics.
On 21st June 2009, Prof. Satyadeo of Harishchandra Research Institute, Allahabad extended the teaching on matrices in a very simple and innovative way. Prof. D. K. Chauhan of Botany Department, University of Allahabad delivered a lecture on ‘Man and Environment’ and cautioned against the overexploitation of natural resources; and he told that the man is responsible for increasing the environmental stresses. He further described in detail the technique of growing Bonsai; and its biological importance as well as maintenance.
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma (IFS), Chief Conservator of Forest, U.P. Lucknow, delivered a lecture on the ‘Recent Developments in Environmental Sciences’ informing about the carbon load and strategies to minimize the green house effects to save the planet earth.
On 22nd June 2009, the team comprising 125 students and teachers went on an educational tour for studying the simian diversity at Chitrakoot and Maihar; and overall diversity at Panna National Park under the guidance of Dr. Niraj Kumar, Principal Investigator of DNA Club Project, Dr. Shivesh Pratap Singh, Head of the Department of Zoology, Govt. P.G. College, Satna and Dr. Mohd. Masood, Member, NASI. They came back in the night of June 25, 2009 after completing their project work on environmental studies.
On 26th June 2009, addressing the first session of the programme, Prof. Krishna Misra (General Secretary -HQ, NASI) gave detailed information on ‘Recent Development in Biochemistry & Biotechnology’. Prof. Misra pointed out that about 50 crores of Asian population could never satisfy their hunger and if the condition remains the same then half of the Asian population will severely suffer from malnutrition in the near future. Only, biotechnology can help us for solving this problem and the food crop productivity can be enhanced through the application of biotechnology.
In the second session, Dr. Abhay Pandey, Department of Biochemistry, U o A, explained the ‘Structure of DNA and also traced the ‘History of DNA Fingerprinting’.
Later on, Prof. Krishna Misra and Dr. Abhay Pandey demonstrated the extraction of DNA practically from the cotyledons of gram and taught the participants to extract DNA without using sophisticated instruments
On 27th June 2009, Dr. K. P. Mishra, Formerly Head, Radiation Biology and Health Sciences Division, BARC, Mumbai, delivered a lecture on ‘Fascinations of Nuclear Radiation and Human life’, highlighting radioactivity, types of radiation, X-rays, shielding materials, nuclear technology and nuclear safety.
Dr. Sharada Sundaram delivered an illustrative talk on ‘Recent Developments in Chemical Sciences’ during the same session; she also explained the production process of bio-diesel from the food-oils (mainly from castor and Mahua).
In the afternoon, Dr. K.C. Gupta, Director, IITR, Lucknow gave an informative lecture on ‘Uses and applications of multi-dimensional modern techniques of nanotechnology’. Dr. Gupta explained that new instruments of nano dimensions are being prepared with the help of atomic studies, which will revolutionize various fields of medicine, defense research, optical and bio-energy.
In the second session, Dr. Pankaj Srivastava of MNNIT explained through mathematical modeling, the principles of mathematics to devise the diagnostics as well as curative mechanisms for certain diseases.
On 28th June 2009, Dr. Brajesh Pandey, Institute of Petroleum Technology, Raibareli, presented practical demonstrations based on various principles of physics to make the students learn and understand physical phenomenon and their explanations. In post lunch session, Prof. U. N. Dwivedi, Head, Department of Biotechnology, Pro-Vice-chancellor of Lucknow University, while delivering his lecture on biotechnology said that Indian economy is agriculture based; and biotechnology must be applied to increase the food production to cater the need of growing population.
After Prof. Dwivedi’s lecture, Dr. Mohd Masood conducted the testing of food-adulteration in oil, ghee, milk, spices, sweets, khoya and tea leaves by the help of his food- adulteration testing kit; which was an eye-opener for all the participants, as the results warned them to use the food items cautiously which are available in the market. Further, Dr. Niraj Kumar delivered a lecture on ‘Chemical nature of food and types of nutrition’, emphasizing the role of nutrition in maintenance of a good health.
In the evening, Prof. G.K. Srivastava delivered a lecture on ‘Genome’ revealing the facts that Chimpanzee is the closest animal to man; and about 30 thousands genes are found in human body which determine the typical characteristics as colour, face outlook, physiological and anatomical design and nature.
On 29th June 2009, Dr. Brajesh Pandey again demonstrated several experiments related to mechanics, sound, light, gravitation and electromagnetism. The students were grouped into sub-groups, each of 5 participants, to learn the experiments on their own. Sri Laxmi Kant Sharma of Pilibhit demonstrated 20 practicals based on the fundamental principles of chemical sciences; and interacted freely with the students.
In the evening, Dr. Manvendra Tripathi gave a detailed account of the recent researches in the field of communicable diseases. He emphasized on the need of vaccination at appropriate time to save against various diseases like chickengunia, Japanese encephalitis, polio, hepatitis etc.
In the evening, Magic show entertainments were organized by using chemical reactions by Sri Sanjay Srivastava of Tagore Public School (TPS), Allahabad followed by vocal recitals of the music teachers of TPS, Allahabad.
On 30th June 2009, the valedictory session of the VTP and summer school was marked with the concluding lectures by Prof. S.L. Srivastava (on Smart materials), Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava (on Human evolution) and Dr. K.P. Singh, Botanical Survey of India, Allahabad (on Biodiversity).
As the Chief Guest in the valedictory function, Prof. H.C. Verma, IIT Kanpur, while addressing the gathering on ‘India: contributions and challenges’, said that India is not only a country of different religions and culture but also a pioneer in science and technology. Citing several examples of our glorious past, he further pointed out the drawbacks and lacunae in school education system and stressed to make our approach pragmatic, more disciplined and systematic to produce graduates of schools.
In her presidential remarks, Prof. Krishna Misra thanked all the participants and appealed to them to come forward for ensuring clean and green environment. In the end certificates of participation, educational kits and food adulteration kits were distributed among the participant students and teachers.Prof. U.C. Srivastava proposed a vote-of-thanks to all the resource persons, participants, staff of the Academy and media personnel for their throughout support and cooperation which made the programme a success.
Annexure 1 a
A workshop on Biological Sciences & Orientation Programme for the D N A Club
The workshop on Biological Sciences & Orientation Programme for the D N A Club was inaugurated on Sept 07, 2007 in the auditorium of the National Academy of Sciences India. The Academy organized the programme as a part of its Science Communication Activities as well as Orientation for the Members of the D N A Club . Prof J S Singh Emeritus Professor of the Department of Botany, B H U, Varanasi while delivering his Key- note Address on Biodiversity in the Inaugural Session emphasized the importance of biodiversity for checking mass extinction of the species . Prof S L Srivastava, Coordinator of the Science Communication Programme, welcomed the teacher-participants of the intermediate colleges from about 45 schools of the three states – U.P., M. P. and Bihar, the Fellows & Members of the Academy, Teachers of Allahabad University and other Institutions of Allahabad. Dr Niraj Kumar, Principal Investigator for the Project and Assistant Executive Secretary of the Academy conducted the Inaugural Session of the workshop. Prof U C Srivastava, Convener, gave a brief account of the activities to be held in three days . Prof C B L Srivastava, formerly Professor and Head of the Dept. of Zoology, Allahabad University, proposed the vote-of-thanks. Also present on this occasion were Dr M. S. Sinha, Executive Secretary of the Academy, Prof Dipika Kaul, Prof Pratima Gaur, Prof Anita Gopesh, Prof D K Chauhan, Prof S P Tiwari, Dr O N Srivastava, Dr K P Singh, Dr V C Srivastava, Dr Balbir Singh and others. In the First Technical Session , Prof G K Srivastava, formerly Professor and Head of the Dept. of Botany, Allahabad University, gave a talk on Recent Advances in Taxonomy. Technical Session II was held in the Dept. of Botany, A.U. under the supervision of Prof. D K Chauhan and Prof S P Tiwari.
On the next day the workshop started with the lecture of Prof C B L Srivastava on Evolutionary Systematics; after which an interesting lecture on Five Kingdom System was delivered by Prof. U.C. Srivastava .The participants also visited the Animal Museum in the Department of Zoology, Allahabad University under the guidance of Prof. Anita Gopesh and Prof. Krishna Kumar, followed by Experimental Work and Demonstration under overall supervision of Prof U C Srivastava. The morning session on the third day was devoted to Biotechnology and an illustrative lecture was delivered by Prof Krishna Misra, a senior Fellow of the Academy; followed by demonstrations on microbiology under the supervision of Prof. G.L. Tiwari, Dr. Rama Kant Ojha and Dr. Richa Tandon. A lecture on Lessons on Ecology for Aquarium keeping was also delivered by Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava. The Valedictory Session was Chaired by Prof P K Seth, General Secretary of the Academy and Chief Executive Officer, Biotech Park, Lucknow. Prof Seth, in his address appealed to the participants to spread the message of conserving nature, among the students and general mass .In the end, Dr. M.S. Sinha proposed the vote- of- thanks; and the certificates of participation were given to the teachers.
Annexure1 b
A Workshop on Some Aspects of Chemical Pollution & Orientation Programme for the DNA Club
The Academy organized a Workshop cum Orientation Programme on Some Aspect of Chemical Pollution on November 5-6, 2007, under the convenership of Dr. (Mrs.) Sharada Sundaram and Dr. Mohammad Masood (both are Member of the Academy). Total 80 teachers from about 35 institutions of U.P., M.P. and Bihar participated in the Workshop. During the inaugural function held on 5th November, 2007 in the Auditorium of the Academy, Prof. S.L. Srivastava, Coordinator, welcomed the participant- teachers, Fellows and Members of the Academy present on the occasion and other distinguished guests. The key- note address on “Chemical Pollution and Green Chemistry” was delivered by Dr. Anil Kumar, a distinguished Scientist from National Chemical Laboratory, Pune and also the Vice- President of the Academy.
Dr. Anil Kumar discussed various causes of air, water and soil pollutants. These are all due to Chemical Pollutions, created by industrial discharges, operational discharges from oil rigs, mining discharges and agricultural run- off, persistent pollutants such as pesticides, insecticides etc. He discussed the details about the status and hazards of chemical pollution. In a measure to combat this pollution, Dr. Kumar stressed to understand the term “Green”, in order to adopt the ecofriendly biosphere, without producing toxic chemical. Dr. Mohammad Masood introduced the theme of the Workshop and Dr. Sharada Sundaram proposed a vote of thanks. The inaugural function was conducted by Dr. Niraj Kumar.
After the inaugural function Dr. Mohammad Masood demonstrated the techniques of water testing using the water analysis kit developed by himself for testing of 12 parameters such as pH, temperature, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, acidity, hardness, presence of NH3, iron, chloride, manganese sulphate, dissolved oxygen and arsenic in the water. After the demonstration, the kits along with the protocols for water testing were distributed among the participants, so that they could perform the testing of water- quality, at their respective places.
After the lunch, a session on food adulteration testing was held and the participants tested about 15 food items for different types of adulteration such as metanil yellow in sweets prepared by the different shops, Argemone mexicana in mustard oil, urea in milk and milk products, animal fat in vegetable oil/ ghee etc. They found the samples of sweets (mithai) from three different shop of Allahabad, adulterated; also the mustard oil of 4 brands were also found adulterated with Argemone, which is fatal for kidney and liver of the users of such brand.
On 6th November, 2007 the outstation participants went to Sangam and collected the water samples from around six locations of Sangam area. All these samples were tested by different groups for the level of pollution. The water samples were collected from Sangam were found to be polluted mainly by
Dr. Sharada Sundaram demonstrated several experiments on air pollution (particulate matters in air), chemo luminescence and chromatography. The Vaseline slides, hanged at 10 places in Allahabad namely, 2 locations at Mumfordganj, 2 at Katra, 1 at Kutchehari, 2 at Chowk, 1 at MNNIT Chauraha, 1 at Civil Lines Chauraha and 1 at Allahpur Chauraha. The slides were collected after 48 hours and after counting the particulate matters it was found that Chowk air has the maximum particulates. Dr. Abhay Pandey delivered a talk on Environmental Pollution and Dr. Satyendra Singh on Chemical Reactions in the afternoon of 5th and 6th November, 2007, respectively. In the Valedictory Function, Prof. S.L. Srivastava delivered a talk on “Green House Effect and Climate Change”, in which he discussed the solar radiation, absorption and emission of radiation in atmosphere, water and soil and how CO2 and H2O are mainly responsible for the green house effect, thereby leading to global warming and disastrous climate change. Certificate of participation were distributed to the participants and Dr. M.S. Sinha proposed a vote- of- thanks.
Annexure1 c
A Workshop on Teaching with Experiments & Orientation Programme for the DNA Club
A Workshop cum Orientation Programme on Teaching with Experiments was organized by the Academy on September 28 – 29, 2008. Total 125 teachers including DNA Clubs Members from U.P., M.P. and Bihar participated in this Workshop. During the inaugural function held on 28th September, 2008 in the Auditorium of the Academy, Prof. U.C. Srivastava, Member, LAC –DNA Club and Convener of the workshop, welcomed the participant- teachers, Fellows and Members of the Academy present on the occasion and other distinguished guests. He, also gave a detailed account of the Workshop and the type of experiments designed for the teachers. Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava, formerly Head, Department of Zoology, A.U. gave an Introductory Remark. Prof. Krishna Misra, Coordinator, Indo- Russian Centre of Biotechnology, IIIT, Allahabad and Course Director, VTP, DNA Club was the Chief Guest. Prof Misra talked about the ethical values in teaching and also appealed the teachers to make teaching more interesting and full of scientific temperament. Prof. G.K. Srivastava proposed the vote of thanks. The inaugural function was conducted by Dr. Niraj Kumar, Principal Investigator, DNA Club and Assistant Executive Secretary, NASI, Allahabad.
After the Inaugural Session the teachers went to the Department of Zoology where they visited Zoology – Museum and then Prof. U.C. Srivastava practically demonstrated Perfusion Method based on Transcardial Perfusion. The teachers, also prepared Mitochondria and Barr Body slides. In the interactive session, Prof. Srivastava also discussed about the brain functioning and several other things related to recent advancements in biology. On the evening of 28th September; Prof Krishna Misra, Prof G K Srivastava, Prof. U.C. Srivastava, Prof D K Chauhan, Dr. Mamata and Dr. Niraj Kumar discussed about the preparation of Biological Kit and other related things with the teachers. Several other matters concerned with the functioning of DNA Clubs were also discussed. On the next day, teachers visited the Botanical Garden of the University of Allahabad where Prof G K Srivastava, Prof D K Chauhan and Dr S P Tiwari, Department of Botany, A.U. conducted the programme. The teachers were trained to prepare herbarium and techniques of conservation of medicinal and herbal plants. The teachers, then came back to the Academy; Prof. C.B.L. Srivastava gave an illustrative talk on Biodiversity and its conservation in the Academy. Dr. Md. Masood demonstrated the techniques of water and food adulteration testing. Prof. Krishna Misra and Dr. Abhay Pandey, Department of Biochemistry, A.U. practically demonstrated DNA isolation and extraction. Dr. Alarik Arenander, Director, Iowa’s Brain Research Institute & President, The Leader’s Brain, as a Chief Guest in the Valedictory Session, gave an informative talk on Brain Function and Human Potential. Prof. G.K. Srivastava proposed the vote- of- thanks.
Annexure 1 d
A Workshop on Hands on Experiments
The Academy successfully organized a three days Teachers Workshop from November 11-13, 2008. The programme was started on National Education Day (i.e. November 11, 2008) and concluded on the eve of Children’s Day (i.e. November 14, 2008). Total 110 teachers (including the DNA Club Members) from U.P, M.P. and Bihar, participated in the workshop.
On 11th November, the workshop was inaugurated by Prof. S.L. Srivastava who delivered an inspiring talk on “Science Education: Its challenges”. Prof. C.K. Dwivedi, J.K. Institute of Applied Physics, University of Allahabad (Convener of the workshop) demonstrated several experiment on electronic-circuits, such as Burglar’s alarm with a NPN Transistor and SCR, Automatic night light using Transistor, LDR and White LED, Rain indicator using NPN Transistor, Light blinking using IC 555 board, Auto stop water pump switch using IC 555 board, Cooler pump timer using IC 555 board, Flashing alarm for low water level in under Ground water tank and Cloth drying rope with automatic movement for rain protection.
On 12th November, Dr. Ravindra Dhar, Physics Department, Ewing Christian College, Allahabad demonstrated experiments on basic principals of Physics. After lunch Dr. Mohammad Masood demonstrated the experiments on water testing and food adulteration testing. Dr. Md. Masood tested 12 parameters such as pH, temperature, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, acidity, hardness, presence of NH3, iron, chloride, manganese sulphate, dissolved oxygen and arsenic in 3 different samples of water. Different food products were tested, such as urea in milk and milk products, animal fat in vegetable oil/ ghee etc.
On 13th November, interesting experiments on mechanics were demonstrated by the last year’s teacher awardee of the Academy, Sri Brijesh Dixit, Sri Narayan Inter College, Auriya. After lunch Dr Brajesh Pandey, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, demonstrated about 17 experiments on motion of charge particles under electrical and magnified field, interaction of magnet with conductor; polarization of light; different types of sound in the enclosed pipe, wave motion and boiling of water caused by heat loss during cooling. In the Valedictory function, the Vice – President of the Academy, Dr. Anil Kumar, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, was the Chief Guest. Dr. Anil Kumar discussed the important role of teachers giving the example of his own journey of being a scientist. On the eve of Children’s Day, Prof. S.L. Srivastava told “Children surely can build a new prosperous India free from corruption and nepotism by imbibing the principles of science, so let us study science seriously.” Dr. Niraj Kumar, Assistant Executive Secretary, proposed a vote – of – thanks.
Recent (2009-2010) Activities under the RRA/DNA Clubs
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