Vol. 75, B, Part II ( April to June ) 2005


Review Articles

On prevention, control and global elimination of Lymphatic filariasis

Bimal Prasanna Mohanty 73

Byssinosis : Historical and current perspectives

H. Venkatakrishna Bhatt 87

Animal Sciences

Corpus luteum and plasma progesterone concentration during embryogenesis in Hipposideros lankadiva lankadiva (Kelaart)

Nisar A. Khan and Karim, K.B. 97

Pyrethroids induced toxicity to muscle glycogen contents in Channa punctatus (Bl.)

Kamal K. Saxena and Pooja Gupta 103

Rearing of the tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (F.) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) in the laboratory on artificial diet

A.K. Bhattacharya and K.C. Chenchaiah 107

Effect of Cadmium, Endosulfan and Butachlor on the biochemical composition of M. Posthuma and A. Gracilis

K.V. Sastry and Monika Huria 115

Plant Sciences

Effect of pretreatment on morphology and enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosics

Nidhee Chaudhary and Chandra B. Sharma 121

Organogenesis of the flower of Jatropha gossypifolia L. with particular reference to obdiplostemony

V. Singh 127

Identification of RAPD fragments associated with blast resistant rice lines

Sardul Singh Sandhu, Carlos Colombo, Pallapotu Vikrant,

Candido R. Bastos and Walter J. Siqueria 131

Diversity of bryophytic vegetation on Aesculus indica in Nainital

Neerja Pande, Shobha Rawat, Kiran Bargali and S.D. Tewari 135

Short Notes

Status of sugars in dried quinces in different storage conditions and associated mycoflora

Yash Pal Sharma and Geeta Sumbali 141

Clinico-pathological study of traumatic reticulopericarditis in stall fed cows

M.K. Gupta and B.D. Sharma 147