Vol. 29, No. 7 & 8, 2006


Editors’ Page

Lead Article/Overviews of New Developments

Chemistry of biological photoreceptors based on linear polyenes

Anil K. Singh, F.N.A.Sc. and Prasanta K. Hota… 231

Science & Technology Development and Policy Issue

Dialectical agriculture

Prem Narain, F.N.A.Sc…. 253

Basic science sidelined in India: Palaeobotany a case study

Gopal Krishna Srivastava, F.N.A.Sc…. 261

Short Research Communications

An interesting Plagiochila from Kodaikanal (India)

S.C. Srivastava, F.N.A.Sc., K.K. Rawat and P.K. Verma… 267

Gracilaria corticata var cylindrica : First record of rare and endemic seaweed taxon from Arabian Sea

            P. V Subba Rao… 271

Coloured wastewater treatment using macro fungus based biosorbents

Nityanand Singh Maurya and Atul Kumar Mittal… 275

 Mossbauer spectroscopic studies of self-assembled monodispersed FePt nanoparticles

            N.S. Gajbhiye, F.N.A.Sc. and Sayan Bhattacharyya… 287

H- adjacent domination in graphs

B. Janakiram, M.A. Davis and N.D. Soner… 293

Rule-based system for cardiac analysis

D. Pandey, Vaishali Mahajan and Pankaj Srivastava… 299

 Toxicology of tremorgenic mycotoxins on chicks

Md. Rafiyuddin, N. Janakirama Rao, G. Girisham and S.M. Reddy… 311