SWAMY, Musti Joginadha

2007 SWAMY, Musti Joginadha (b. 1959) PhD,FASc, Senior Professor, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad – 500046; Res. 157, Doyens Township, Serilingampally, Hyderabad – 500019; Tel: (040) 23011071, 23134807(O), 23012548(R), 09866007530(M); Fax: 23012460; Email: ; ; Sp. Protein Chemistry and protein-ligand interactions/Lipidphase behaviour and lipid-protein interactions/Biomembranestructure and function.


2012 SWAMINATHAN, Soumya (b. 1959) MD,FIAP,FASc,FNA,FAMS,FNAMS(USA), Chief Scientist, World Health Organization(WHO) Former Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110029; Tel: (044) 42300268(R); Email: ; ; Sp. Basic and Clinical Medical Sciences/Infectious Diseases.

SUWAS, Satyam

2017 SUWAS, Satyam (b. 1969) PhD, Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore – 560012; Res. EV 202, Vijnanapura Campus (IISc), New Bel Road, Bangalore – 560094; Tel: (080) 22933245(O), 23511242(R), 098800233480(M); Fax: 23600472; Email: ; Sp. Crystallographic Texture/Processing of Metallic Materials/Mechanical Behaviour of Materials.

SUSARLA, Krishna Shankar

1999 SUSARLA, Krishna Shankar (b. 1947) MD,FAMS,FICPath, Emeritus Professor, Department of Neuropathology, & Principal Co-ordinator, Human Brain Tissue Repository, National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences, Bangalore – 560029; Res. Sri Balaji Orchid, #475, Flat No. 201, Wilson Garden 12th Cross, Bangalore – 560027; Tel: (080) 22218816(R), 09341223566(M); Email: ; Sp. Neuropathology/Neurosciences/Medical Sciences.


2005 SURYAPRAKASH, Nagarajarao (b. 1956) Ph.D., Professor, NMR Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560012; Res. E-26, New Housing Colony, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560012; Tel: (080) 22933300(O), 23602709(R), 09845124802(M); Fax: 23601550; Email: ; ; Sp. NMR Spectroscopy/Liquid Crystals.

SURY, Balasubramanian

2014 SURY, Balasubramanian (b. 1960) PhD, Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore – 560059; Res. 211, Everest Apts., 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003; Tel: (080) 26985445(O), 23313917(R), 09845195728(M); Fax: 28484265; Email: ; Sp. Algebraic Groups/Number Theory.


2002 SUROLIA, Namita (b. 1953) PhD,FASc, Professor Molecular Biology & Genetics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bangalore – 560064; Tel: (080) 22082820(O), 22082821(L); Email: ; ; Sp. Molecular Parasitology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology.

SUROLIA, Avadhesha

1993 SUROLIA, Avadhesha (b. 1947) PhD,FNA,FASc,FTWAS, Honorary Professor, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560012; Tel: (080) 22932714, 23602763; Fax: 23600535; Email: ; Sp. Protein Folding & Design/Cell Surface Carbohydrate/MolecularBiology of Malaria Parasite and Antimalarial Drug.

SURI, Anil

2009 SURI, Anil (b. 1957) Ph.D., Staff Scientist VII, Cancer Microarray, Genes and Proteins Laboratory, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110067; Res. A-2, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110067; Tel: (011) 26703700(O), 26703720(R); Fax: 26742125; Email: ; Sp. Cancer Biology/Cell Signaling/Gene Silencing.

SURESH, Venapally

2011 SURESH, Venapally (b. 1966) PhD,FNA,FASc, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Emory University, 400, Dowman Drive, Atlanta, GA 30024, USA; Email: ; ; Sp. Algebra/Number Theory/Arithematic Geometry.